I have to say that Youth Adventure and Youth Leaders Forum (YA-YLF) 2014 held by Gerakan Mari Berbagi is the most beneficial youth conference i’ve joined that influence my life very much. YA-YLF is held on February, 1-9 2014 in Yogyakarta and Jakarta. Gerakan Mari Berbagi is a movement intended to encourage and accentuate frame of mind and attitude to giving and sharing (giving back values).
Talking about Youth Adventure and Youth Leaders Forum, this is one of youth conference which is really different with others I have attended. It’s not only about meeting with other youth from different province and just accepting materials. It’s more than all the things. It’s about the values of life. One of the most interesting part of this conference is learning how to be like our hero. The value is being a leader by adapting our hero’s way to become a great leader. A month before the conference started, the participants had to decided his hero and practice to act like him. For this opportunity, I choose Mikhail Gorbachev, the great leader, as my hero. Learning his biography, thought and practicing her pronounciation become my top priority to welcome this precious conference. About this conference, Youth Adventure became memorable part for the participants. Among 47 extraordinary participants from different provinces, we are divided in 15 groups. It means that each group consists 3 participants even two groups have 4 participants. Every group has a task to travel to 2 cities between Yogyakarta and Jakarta with limited finance. The mission is the participant must ask for help in the first city. The purpose is we have to know how the feel of “beg” so that will tune out the arrogance. In the second city, we have to implement giving back program. It’s about we share and do something for the community there. The purpose is to spread the willingness to share each other. The rule is the participant may not use their own money to finish the task. The committee of this conference only provided Rp.300.000 (i think it’s about 900 russian ruble) per group and we only use this money. It includes accommodation and transportation. Actually, it’s not enough for normal travel from Jogjakarta-Ciamis-Jakarta. That’s why this conference teach us to think outside the box and underline that everything is not always about money. For my team, i am with Destania and Acut, two beautiful girls that accompany me during this travel. So, here is the junior Mikhail Gorbachev’s journey. Started from Jogjakarta, a city located 551 km from Jakarta (May be, this distance is similar from Moscow to Novgorod), we began our journey. Jogjakarta and Ciamis in West Java are 2 cities that become our destination. We have many stories. But the unforgettable moment during this travel is when we were in Ciamis. After finish our giving back program in one of kindergarten in Ciamis, we planned to go to Jakarta as the finish line of this youth adventure. But in bus station, we don’t have enough money anymore. It remains Rp. 90.000. Whereas, the bus fare per person is Rp. 50.000. Because we are 3 persons, which mean we need Rp. 150.000. It’s impossible to rely on this money. The time is keep running approaching the deadline. We have to arrive in Jakarta today. On the other hand, we were getting tired after doing many activities. It’s disconcerting situation. Desta has been desperate. “This is crazy. Why we want to do this, limited money for long travel. It doesn’t matter if we use our own money, so just do it.” She said with annoyed expression. I know, although have own money if i do this, it will disobey the rule. This is a challenge. I think that i don’t want if our struggle we do yesterday is useless because disobeying the rule. I believe, there is always way out. We take a rest for a moment. I tried to ask the station officer about our problem. He’s really surprised. He asked me to go to police station to ask help and then move to social services. Actually, this is my first time in this city. I don’t know the route and the circumstances here. But, this is part of challenge. I brace up to do this thing. I go my self to move easily. When i arrived at police station, i tried to explain my problem to the officer. But, before my story is clear, the officer interrupt me. “So, you are displaced in the bus station.” He said and at the same time laughing. For a while, i ask my self, is that right if i am displaced? Whatever the answer, the most important thing right now, i need help. After a moment, the officer gave me letter of reference and ask me to bring it to Social services. After read the letter, apparently it’s a letter which explain that my teammates and i are displaced and the Social Services should helps us to go back to Jakarta. It’s about 10 minutes to run toward Social Services. With panting, i gave the letter to the officer of Social Service there. Not long time to respond the letter, the officer gave me Rp. 200.000 as bus fare to go back Jakarta. It’s thankful and funny at the same time. I feel as if i requested myself to have status as waif whereas we have some money. But finally, we do it. I think that this is the challenge of integrity. We could use our own money without telling anyone and the problem is done. But we don’t look for this. We want pass the the challenge with honesty and self struggle. I realize that money is not everything, but the point is how we treat other people. During the travel, we got many help from other people. Some of them allowed us to sleep in their house and treat us like their children. I always call this travel as journey of life. After 7 hour, we finally arrived in Jakarta. Now, it’s time for Youth Leaders Forum. Really interesting, i can meet with the inspiring leader who share their experience to us. We learn about their efforts in being a great leader till nowadays. One thing that make me astonished with this conference is all the inspiring leaders come to this conference voluntary. No fee and all facility is taken over by themselves including airfare and accommodation. Some of inspiring leaders who work in other countries go back to Indonesia only want to share their experience in this conference. And they bought their own ticket. Not only that, some inspiring leaders said that this conference is different. “Usually, if i act as speaker in a conference, i get much money. But for this, it’s the opposite. I should give my money for this great conference.” he said. This forum teach us to share and live beyond ourselves. So, that’s why, i called this conference as journey of life. In my mind, life is about how we treat other people. Arnaldi Nasrum Alumni Youth Adventure & Youth Leaders Forum 2014 Participant of GMB Homestay Program 2015