Jadi tadi saya interview kerja di salah satu perusahaan untuk posisi Management Trainee (MT). Setelah melewati tahapan panjang psikotest seharian penuh (jam 9-16.30) yang bikin rambut dikepala makin ga betah nempel, saya di interview oleh bagian HRD. Begitu saya masuk kedalam ruangan seperti biasa saya di suruh memperkenalkan diri. Setelah itu ditanya terkait apa yang kamu ketahui mengenai perusahaan tersebut dan kenapa kamu melamar diperusahaan kami. Setelah pertanyaan terkait perusahaan selesai saya jawab kemudian pewawancara menanyakan terkait berbagai macam kegiatan saya selama kuliah, hingga sampailah pada pembicaraan masalah bullying.
Saya menjelaskan bahwa alasan saya mengikuti beberapa organisasi dikarenakan saya ingin seperti orang lain mampu berbicara di depan umum, memiliki rasa percaya diri yang tinggi, mampu beradaptasi dengan orang lain dan memiliki banyak teman. Saya mulai bercerita bahwa saat semester awal saya banyak sharing dengan mas Hary Purnomo Sudiyono terkait kesulitan-kesulitan saya dalam berkomunikasi dll, sehingga kakak senior yang kece ini menyarankan saya untuk mengikuti organisasi, karena menurut pengalamannya organisasi mampu mengasah soft skill termasuk dalam hal komunikasi. Dan singkat cerita saya bisa melewati itu semua dan sembuh dari luka bullying. Kemudian pewawancara menanyakan bagaimana kamu bisa sembuh dari pengalaman pahit bullying? Saya menceritakan bahwa saya mulai terbuka dan mau membagikan pengalaman ini setelah saya mengikuti Gerakan Mari Berbagi. Dan setelah itu obrolan semakin panjang saya disuruh menceritakan bagaimana saya bisa ikut GMB dan kenapa? Saya menceritakan bahwa saya tahu GMB dari membaca postingan blog salah satu teman Janu Muhammad. Kemudian saya mendaftar dengan mengisi beberapa pertanyaan, kemudian terpilih 150 besar yang di undang ke KEMENPORA untuk Seleksi Nasional dan lolos 50 besar untuk mengikuti Youth Adventure & Youth Leaders Forum (YA & YLF) 2015. Kemudian saya juga menjelaskan apa itu YA & YLF secara detail dan bagaimana GMB bisa menyembuhkan luka. Saya bercerita bahwa saat YLF ada sesi dimana setiap orang diperbolehkan untuk mengungkapkan hal-hal yang menyakitkan dalam kehidupan pribadinya dan tidak ada satupun orang yang menganggap bahwa masalah seseorang lebih besar dari masalah orang lain maupun sebaliknya, karena kami percaya bahwa setiap orang memiliki maslaah yang menurut mereka paling sulit. Di GMB saya mendapatkan begitu banyak cinta dan pelukan yang membuat saya lebih berani dan kuat. Pertanyaan selanjutnya muncul bagaimana kamu bisa tahu bahwa kamu sudah sembuh? Tolak ukur saya yaitu ketika saya mampu berinteraksi dengan orang, ketika saya mampu berbicara di depan umum dan ketika saya mampu membagikan pengalaman pahit itu dihadapan banyak orang bahkan saya pernah di undang di beberapa kegiatan untuk menceritakan masalah tersebut. Setelah pertanyaan bullying selesai tibalah kepertanyaan apa yang ingin kamu capai dalam hidup? Baik dalam dunia karir maupun non karir? Saya menceritakan A, B dan C yang kemudian nyambung ke pertanyaan kenapa kamu memilih judul skripsi Analisis Perencanaan Keuangan Etnis Sunda dan Etnis Minangkabau. Saya menjelaskan bahwa judul skripsi saya pada awalnya adalah Analisis Perencanaan Keuangan Pegawai PNS dan Swasta namun setelah saya melakukan sharing dengan salah satu pembina GMB yaitu kak Dede Prabowo dan munculah ide untuk mengubah judul skripsi. Lagi-lagi karena GMB. Interview di tutup dengan pernyataan dari HRD "kamu sangat menginspirasi sekali". Sampai saat ini saya masih merasa bahwa keberuntungan terbesar dalam hidup adalah ketika saya bisa bergabung dan mengenal banyak orang-orang baik di GMB, dan sampai detik ini saya mempercayai bahwa saya bisa menjadi anggota keluarga ini karena sebuah keberuntungan. Ya, keberuntungan. Cerita ini ditulis buka karena ingin menyombongkan diri tapi ingin berbagi bahwa sebuah oragnisasi mampu merubah kehidupan seseorang dengan cinta dan lingkungan positif di dalamnya. Dinmas Masyudin Alumni Youth Adventure & Youth Leaders Forum 2015
Minggu lalu cerminku bertanya,
“Bang, kenapa engkau tidak pernah lagi datang kepadaku? Aku kangen kamu. Kangen gayamu bercermin padaku. Kamu sering tanya sendiri dan jawab sendiri didepanku. Aku memang ngga bisa ngomong, Bang, tapi aku bisa memantulkan dirimu penuh dan utuh tanpa basa-basi. Biasanya, dimanapun aku berada kamu pasti melihat aku. Kamu selalu singgah sebentar melihat ke arahku. Tapi kini? Kenapa kamu tidak pernah datang lagi padaku? Aku menjawab, “Karena kamu sudah retak dan aku tidak bisa lagi bercermin padamu. Aku tidak bisa lagi berkaca dihadapanmu. Aku tidak bisa lagi datang dengan mukaku apa adanya. Aku harus berpura-pura tidak melihat retak yang ada dikacamu, sementara setiap aku bercermin dihadapanmu, retakan itu justru pertama yang terlihat dan membuat aku sedih dan kadang membuat luka. Aku tidak bisa fokus untuk melihat bagian yang tidak retak, karena kamu adalah satu kesatuan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Aku juga jadi terlihat jelek karena pantulanmu yang retak. Aku tidak bisa lagi bercermin padamu walaupun aku ingin sekali.” Pesan : Cermin yang sudah retak tidak mungkin lagi diperbaiki dan yang bercermin pasti merasa terganggu ketika melihat cermin itu. Walaupun hanya goresan kecil di cermin itu, pasti setiap saat melihat ke cermin itu, retakan itu langsung otomatis terlihat dengan jelas setiap kali kita bercermin. Cermin itu adalah kepercayaan (trust, amanah) yang dipercayakan orang pada kita. Ketika trust atau amanah itu tidak dirawat, tidak dijaga, apalagi disalahgunakan, pasti trust itu tidak bisa dibangun lagi dengan cara apapun. Cermin yang retak tidak bisa diperbaiki lagi. Kalaupun diperbaiki pasti tidak bisa menjadi cermin yang seperti semula yang bisa menjadi tempat bercermin orang yang memberikan kepercayaan pada kita. Trust bisa berasal dari orang tua kita, sahabat kita, atasan kita, pasangan kita, pembeli atau pengguna jasa kita, ataupun tempat kita bekerja. Oh iya, cermin itu adalah terdekat dalam hidup kita dan bersifat sangat pribadi. Jagalah cermin GMBer supaya tidak retak ya! Happy long weekend kawan-kawan! Azwar Hasan Inisiator Gerakan Mari Berbagi A month ago, Azwar Hasan said it to me. It hurt me because I did not have money at the time. I thought and tried to reflect myself at the moment. Finally I decided to stop asking ‘why you chosen me to go to Australia if you said don’t go?’ and try thinking ‘I have to prove that I deserve go to Australia.’ I felt challenged! “It is too late to say it to me” A week ago, we have sat together and talked each other emotionally about my financial. before I decided to talk it, I had been worried that you would think that I give up. But I have tried to change my mindset; I shared my problem to you was not because I give up but I tried a lot of ways, and shared my problem with you was one of ways that I did. “Please do not stop this lesson in you” Today is a day. Today is a proof. It is not a proof that I am in Australia right now, but it is a proof that I NEVER GIVE UP. Even if I cannot go to Australia because I don’t have money, I proud of myself because I NEVER GIVE UP. I write this because I want all of people get my spirit to NEVER GIVE UP to everything that we want. Life is really hard and everything is problem, how you face it? Muhammad Nuzul Participant of GMB Homestay Program 2016 I joined GMB without know anything about GMB. In the beginning, I was interest with the Youth Adventure & Youth Leaders Forum, and I applied for it. I was accepted to be one of the participant, and got ready to join it. We got a challange in the Youth Adventure. The challange is we must go to Cibubur from Semarang but we must come to two cities and we only have Rp.100.000 in the journey. The team was made into 3 persons each group, and every member still didn’t know each other. My teamates were Nadya Karima Melati and Rahmadi M Ali. For the first step, we must take a bus and go to Tegal. We had got the bus but we only had a few of money. To solve the problem, i asked my team to “ngamen” in the bus and we got about Rp.65.000. It has been enough to pay our trip to Tegal. We arrived in Tegal at night but we never come to Tegal before. A kind young lady that saw us in the bus help us to find a police station. We stay in the police station for that night, and in the morning we got so many helps from the police. In Tegal we must get as much as money that we can get. We sold clothes and calendar, we sing in the town center and many things. After we got much money, we went to Brebes to do ‘a giving hand’. We got a ride from a truck driver who are on the way to Karawang. As long as the journey, the driver told us about how poor he is. Eventhough he is poor, he paid for our lunch, dinner, and breakfast, and gave us money to go to Cibubur also. We asked him why he want to help us, and he answered “ maybe I’m not rich, but as long as I have something to give, I will give it to whom need it”. The story about the driver become our main topic when we arrived in Cibubur. The story made me think about the meaning of my life. What can I do in my life? what is my life for? Have I had a really life right now? I choose to have a life beyond myself because that’s the way to make my life more life. That’s the way to make me happier and grateful. And that’s the way to make my life useful. My friends.. Sometimes our life seems not to be like we want and we imagine. But don’t make it as a reason for us to stop thinking about the others, because we are HUMAN. Let’s share because therefore we are. God bless us. Haga Christian Ginting Participant of GMB Homestay Program 2016 1. Tidak terasa 10 hari sebentar lagi saya akan menuju negara yang sungguh terkenal akan keindahan bunga sakura. Yaa..Saya akan melakukan kegiatan homestay di Jepang. Program Homestay yang diberikan oleh Gerakan Mari Berbagi pada dasarnya memilki tiga negara tujuan, yaitu jepang, australia, dan belanda. 1. In ten days later i would go to the country with has the famous and beautiful flower. Yes..I would do homestay program in Japan. This program from Gerakan Mari Berbagi basically have three destination of their programs. Those are Japan, Australia and Netherland. 2. Saya masih ingat sekali tanggal saya dinyatakan lulus seleksi baik berkas, interview dan presentasi yaitu 21 September 2016. Namun, hebatnya setelah dinyatakan lulus, kami semua ( Homestayer) tidak dibiayai sepersen pun dalam pembiayaan keberangkatan kami yang bearti kita akan membeli tiket, visa sampai asuransi sendiri..Iya sendiri..Pakai Duit sendiri..T.T Selintas gila karena kenapa sudah harus apply, interview, dan lolos kami masih harus mencari dana pribadi untuk melakukan kegiatan ini. 2. I do still remember on 21 September 2016 i got the e-mail said i pass the selection. The selection was consisting of administration, interview, and also doing presentation. But after knowing that i pass the selection..There’s still an selection..I called this the real selection of life.. We as homestayer need to buy ticket, visa and even insurance by our own money..Yes definitely with our own money..Sounds like crazy..why after the selection and the announcement that said we passed the selection we still need to find the way to get money for joining this.. 3. Singkat cerita kami para homestayer melakukan brainstorming siang malam menyusun proposal untuk dikirimkan kepadab pihak pemerintahan, swasta, perusahaan makanan minuman, hingga perusahaan handphone pun kami ladeni agar mendapatkan dukungan apa pun untuk perjalanan kami nanti 4. In short , day by day We as Homestayer was doing brainstorming from day till night for making proposal that would be sent to government, private, food and beverage company, and we also sent to handphone company for hoping any kind of support for our homestay program 5. Waktu keberangkatan yang datang mengganti hari tidak dapat kami hindari dan hal itu memaksa kami untuk terus bergerak dan bergerak kembali. Sampai akhirnya kami pun berinisiatif melakukan hal-hal orang lain pikir mungkin kami ini seperti manusia tanpa malu. Dalam memenuhi kantong kami, saya dan para homestayer lainnya ada yang berjualan aqua keliling di Universitas, menjadi pengantar susu , menjual kue sus keliling kampus, menjadi guru bahasa inggris, menjual madu, menjual duren , jual bunga bahkan ada yang menjadi Go-jek. Iya bener profesi inilah yang kami tempuh dan kami dengan bangga ingin mengatakan kami tidak malu untuk melakukan hal tersebut. Yaa walau semua tidak langsung mulus lancar seperti sutra dan menghasilkan uang sederas air terjun, kami tetap yakin setiap nominal yang kami kumpulkan melalui keringat kami sendiri akan menjadi cerita manis yang tak ternilaikan 5. We cannot stop the day to keep forward and closer and due to that it forced us to keep move forward forward and forwand for doing what we can. Until we initiated to do something that perhaps people would think we are a people with totally not having embarrassment feeling.. To fulfil our pocket, me and also some of homestayer did sell aqua/ mineral bottle in University’s park, be a milk agent, selling kue sus at college, be a english teacher, honey seller, durian seller , flower seller and even one of homestayer become a Go-Jek. Those are profession that we took and got through and we proud to say we were not feeling embarrassing to do those. Even though all of our effort not smooth as a silk and get the money as swift as a water from waterfall, but we do believe and trus that every single money that we got through our sweat would be a sweet story that become priceless 6. Oke..Mungkin sekarang mulai terdengar aneh dan pertanyaan pun akan muncul seperti “Apa yang mendorong kami semua berani mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan hal tesebut ?” Kami akan menjawab “Inilah kami yang hanya bermodalkan mimpi dan melangkah dengan berani karena kami yakin masa depan cerah di negara pilihan kami sedang menanti” 6. Okeyy..Maybe this story is already totally weird and illogical or maybe due to this story there’s a question ask “What does make us to be brave and take this decision for doing that? And Our answer is “ Here We are, The Youth who has dream and courage as our modal to take a step because we do believe our bright future in our destination country will always waiting for us. 7. Saya pribadi memang masih berstatus mahasiswa semester awal yang memang tidak terlalu pintar dan tidak terlalu rajin. Namun melalui proses ini, saya merasa ada semangat begitu kuat dari teman-teman sesama homestayer yang kalau malam mingguan bukan pacaran atau nongkrong di mall tapi ngumpul diskusi hingga cari tempat makan gratis untuk mengurangi pengeluaran kami. Semangat ini telah membawa saya menjadi orang yang yakin dengan modal mimpi dan tangan kami bisa kok mendapatkan yang kami mau. 7. I’m still in the third semester in my college..To be honest I’m not the smartest or even a most dilligent student in my class. But through this process, I feel the spirit enormously from the homestayer around me who every Saturday instead having a date or chill out at mall they prefer to get together or even find the place where we can eat for free so we could save our money..Those spirit brought me to be a person who believe that from just a dream and hand we could achieve what we want. 8. Saya ingat sekali dengan keadaan saya yang masih berkuliah dan tidak dapat kerja karena ada beberapa penelitian yang perlu diselesaikan. Mulai bulan desember hingga maret saya telah mengikuti kurang lebih 6 kompetisi dengan harapan saya mendapatkan hasil yang bisa mendekatkan saya dengan program yang saya ambil ini. Iya 6 lomba terlihat banyak. Namun, tentu saja banyak gagalnya..Sakit ati saat kalah tentu pernah..Putus asa pengen nyoba lagi pun pernah..Namun kembali lagi karena semangat tiap malam minggu untuk berkumpul dan saling memotivasi satu sama lainlah yang membawa saya untuk tetap terus berkarya dan mencoba memberikan yang terbaik di setiap karya saya. Saya sebut ini “ The Power of Never Stop dan tertanggal 1 Maret 2016 perlahan demi perlahan karya saya pun membuahkan hasil. Yup saya menang lomba dalam suatu kompetisi artikel..Memang hadiahnya hanya sebuah handphone namun ini sangat berkesan dan mengingatkan saya untuk tetap terus berkarya.. Saya yang sekarang bersama homestayer Gerakan Mari Berbagi merasa melalui proses ini kami pun hanya dilatih untuk siap berorasi namun siap melakukan aksi 8. I definitely realize i’m still a student and could not do work because i need to finish several research before going to homestay. And from Desember until March i decided to join any competition that i could join and the total of competition that i have joined is almost 6 competition. In every competition i’m wondering i could get some money or even price that could take me closer with this homestay program. Perhaps the number of competition that i joined were much. But in fact i feel many failure..I felt desperate hopeless to try again.. But back to the spirit that i got from around me that takes me to keep make something and give the best what i can. I called this “ The Power of Never Stop” ..and on 1 March 2016 slowly but surely my effort showed me they present. I won in the writing article competition..Even its not an expensive handphone but its really memorable for me and remind me to keep sharing. I and Homestayer from Gerakan Mari Berbagi felt through this process we not only learnt about having a good speech but also ready take a step closer on it Why i stop this story on 8 paragraph because 8 means unlimited Then our story suppose to be unlimited too.. Salam Homestayer! Ivan Hartanto Alumni Youth Adventure & Youth Leaders Forum 2015 Have you go to a place where everyone accept you as truly yourself? Have you meet a family where you never been judged but always been cared and supported with sincerity? I am lucky that I've been there. I am always there. It is called GMB Gerakan Mari Berbagi. Last year, I joined in GMB as one of the Youth Adventure-Youth Leaders Forum 2015 participant. There, I met many wonderful and inspiring person like Bang Azwar Hasan, an once "wong ndeso" from Aceh who have achieved his dream and then give everything to help people around him, or Mas Dede Prabowo, a very commited person who always want to help people in remote areas, even he already has a comfort life in Japan. GMB is full of extraordinary and positive person! I learnt a lot from them, and later I was given an opportunity to learn more in GMB Youth Leadership and Homestay Program 2016 to Holland. Well, I am not alone. There are Wine Tesa, Pandu, and Edi Fadhil who will go together with me to The Netherlands. I think, they are the true "manusia di atas rata-rata". Wine is a cheerful and very organized person who always spread positive energy into us. Then, Pandu, the youngest, is the most influential young environmentalist in Balikpapan. And who do not know Edi Fadhil? An inspiring person who builds houses for dhuafa in Aceh by crowd-funding. Not to mention 11 other delegates who are also amazing, will go to Australia and Japan respectively. They are my "team", but more than that, they are my family and my role models. The challenge is, we must pay our expenses in homestay program by ourselves. This self-reliance on funding is the challenge but also an opportunity to learn more. We do fund-raising innitiatives together. We sell snacks, cakes, souvenirs, and many other things. We use our savings. We seek for sponsors in hope that some institutions want to help to fund us. Even, one of us became a Go-Jek driver to fund-raising. I also remember, how I and Windiyani got evicted (digusur) by securities when we sold drinks in campus' car-free day. We work tirelessly. However, it is more than just how much money we got. The process itself is what we intended to feel and learn. Our proposals got rejected. Our agendas are conflicted each other. My internship was not went smoothly. We fought. We keep distance sometime. But we still care, we support each other. It's what make us tougher, and hopefully, become a good provision when we go abroad or face the life accordingly. The Australia and Japan homestay delegates will fly just in few days later. The Netherlands delegates will fly around next month. The process itself hasn't ended yet. We are still struggling to make preparations. In the preparation itself, we made mistakes. I made mistakes. But we make corrective actions, and still do the best. This mixed feeling of excitement and worries, I hope will not limit us to learn and do better. It will elevate us to the next level: to become tougher and wiser. Have a happy adventure, pals! Langityanto Tri Gezar Participant of GMB Homestay Program 2016 Nowadays, everyone supposed to know an umbrella which help us when it’s raining but do you know about what can we learn from this simple thing?
After spending a short time in thinking about this, finally i summarize my thought into the three lessons from umbrella that simple but really matter in my life. First, the one who will protect you from a drizzle or even heavy rain without demanding anything. The second is the tool that helps us to stand again after we are facing a toughly situation that intends to knock us to down. The last is the tool that can we use to be shared while it’s raining .Talking about those simple lesson makes me remember what the lesson that i’ve got through when i’m in GMB, with GMB, and for GMB. In GMB, they are my super umbrella who protect me from energy negative so i would never that makes me think adversely. Then with GMB, it gives his hand for getting me back to the real energetic of me when i got desperate or even lacking of spirit. The last i got many values of GMB that consist of share in diversity, start from yourself, living beyond yourself and volunteerism that i intend to spread it to my enviroment because perhaps this is simple thing that i can do for my lovely GMB . All in all I’m really grateful that choose this super strong and wide umbrella that could change my life better than before and day by day i feel this umbrella is automatically set up in my mindset to do more and more in my society. I remember simple proverb that said don’t forget to bring your umbrella where ever you go before the rain comes which means don’t forget your values and share it holistically to your enviroment by giving a hand to someone who need it. Thereby, to end this simple thought i realize that sometimes we could learn big things from small things even it’s only an umbrella and I found this lesson in GMB, with GMB and For GMB..The last is I proud to say Gerakan Mari Berbagi is my second family who protect, teach and also support me whenever i got problem Ivan Hartanto Participant of GMB Homestay Program 2016 Have you ever been encounter confusion about identifying who you are, why are you exist, who will you be in the future, and what kind of memory that will be remembered when you died? If you had the same thing like that, congratulation !! you are wise in interpreting your life. Me, I was a stubborn girl with so many ambitions in life. I just want to achieve it, that was only that. Without having clear and purposeful objective. Because achievements were the best way to prove the quality of me, even I had no idea why I should care of others meanwhile people outside there only could judge me. But then, the time showed me that my way of thinking was actually killing me harshly. It made me forget how to enjoy and happy for my short life. I admitted that I was that bad , really bad. I started to think harder and let my self pass this stage . But that was OK, because I got my turning point. Yes, God let me to failed first, then I found my self in this confusion until God took a part again in showing the better version of me after I tried to forget the old me and looked for things that made people happy sincerely. I started to be open, listened, and observed things surround me. Until finally I found that the answer of that confusion is “ sharing “. Sharing is the best therapy for any illness, problem and pressure . You can only feel it when you do it sincerely. Wait a moment, the story had not finish yet. On April 2015, God showed me the sources of happiness, the pool of sincerity, and the place to share with. I humbly let you know,it is Gerakan Mari Berbagi. A social movement which is really holding tightly in four values, there are living beyond your self, sharing in diversity, volunteerism and start from your self. I understand one thing beside sharing in that movement, which is I have to spread this value for many more people outside there. I really want to told them that sharing is the answer for their anxiety, fear, dread and hesitancy. God give you a gift through sharing. You are not king or queen, you have no ascribe values. So that your value need to be achieved. The feeling when you finally find the answer of your confusion after quite long time and effort is actually worth it. That was my version, you will have your own. You deserved to be useful for others because God created you to be the bridge of his gift for his creators, as well as others, become the bridge of God’s gift to you. So please do not break the bridge. Wine Anita Tesa Participant of GMB Homestay Program 2016 My first intention when I registered myself to GMB is simple: to meet the representation of ethnical groups in Indonesia, because at that time, I’m working for Bhinneka Project. But then, GMB bring me to interact with more diverse people. From teaching children under juvenile, playing cards with streetchildern, get valuable life lessons from inspiring leaders, make friends with ASEAN youth, and many things! It’s been two years and now, in two weeks ahead, GMB will bring me to Japan. Regardless of the struggle we went, it’s trully an honorable thing for me to be part of this super-homestay-team ganks. I wonder what kind of people I will meet? What kind of experience I will have? What lesson I will learn? One thing I know for sure that this is not the highest point in my GMB journey. There are much more people out there I will meet through this organization. Anyway, I feel very blessed to be part of this family. Thanks to GMB, I’m addicted to meet more people. Because I believe that from meeting people, I’m grinding experiences to leveling myself up to be better. *You Only Live Once Monitta Putri Lisa Marry Participant of GMB Homestay Program 2016 Ini bukan pertama kalinya saya akan terbang. Ini juga bukan pertama kalinya saya akan menginjakan kaki ke negeri orang.
Tapi kali ini rasanya jauh lebih melekat. Melekat di ingatan, lebih-lebih di hati. Sebegininya ya memperjuangkan sesuatu. Sebegininya ya campur aduknya perasaan. Capek lho Mas, Mbak. Berjuang ke sana ke mari, usaha ini itu. Ditolak? Teruuus. Menjadi team leader, berusaha untuk menyatukan 15 orang ini pun penuh tantangan. Sedih iya, capek iya, sakit hati iya. Puncaknya ya kemarin ketika PDT. Tak sanggup lagi saya membendung air mata yang penuh perasaan campur aduk, yang bertumpah ruah ini. Menertawakan diri sendiri, khawatir: "Apa kita semua jadi berangkat? Setelah perjuangan 5 bulan terakhir ini?" Namun bukan itu lagi intinya, saya sadar kenapa homestay ini bukan dibuat gratis, atau dengan mudahnya berangkat. Tujuannya ya yang sekarang saya rasakan ini: merajut ikatan, rasa memiliki, bahwa "Kita ini ada lho buat kamu! Kita ini ada lho! Kita berjuang bersama-sama! Kita ini satu! Perjalanan ini milik kita!". Prosesnya nikmat sekali ya Tuhan. Perjuangan ini tidak hanya melibatkan keringat dan pikiran, tapi terlebih pada perasaan, pada hati. Seumur hidup, baru kali ini saya dikelilingi sahabat-sahabat yang sebegininya peduli. "Apa-apaan ini? Kok pada peduli sih? Kok sesuportif ini sih?" hahaha *nangislagi* Air mata tadi kini jadi air mata haru, air mata bahagia. Terima kasih untuk pelukan-pelukan dan semangatnya. Hangaat sekali. Terima kasih Tuhan, saya berada di tempat, waktu, dan di antara orang-orang yang tepat. Yes, Gerakan Mari Berbagi is unlimited: positive people, positive energy, positive dreams, positive doors, positive lessons, where I can recharge myself. Destania Ika Putri Participant of GMB Homestay Program 2016 |