1. Tidak terasa 10 hari sebentar lagi saya akan menuju negara yang sungguh terkenal akan keindahan bunga sakura. Yaa..Saya akan melakukan kegiatan homestay di Jepang. Program Homestay yang diberikan oleh Gerakan Mari Berbagi pada dasarnya memilki tiga negara tujuan, yaitu jepang, australia, dan belanda. 1. In ten days later i would go to the country with has the famous and beautiful flower. Yes..I would do homestay program in Japan. This program from Gerakan Mari Berbagi basically have three destination of their programs. Those are Japan, Australia and Netherland. 2. Saya masih ingat sekali tanggal saya dinyatakan lulus seleksi baik berkas, interview dan presentasi yaitu 21 September 2016. Namun, hebatnya setelah dinyatakan lulus, kami semua ( Homestayer) tidak dibiayai sepersen pun dalam pembiayaan keberangkatan kami yang bearti kita akan membeli tiket, visa sampai asuransi sendiri..Iya sendiri..Pakai Duit sendiri..T.T Selintas gila karena kenapa sudah harus apply, interview, dan lolos kami masih harus mencari dana pribadi untuk melakukan kegiatan ini. 2. I do still remember on 21 September 2016 i got the e-mail said i pass the selection. The selection was consisting of administration, interview, and also doing presentation. But after knowing that i pass the selection..There’s still an selection..I called this the real selection of life.. We as homestayer need to buy ticket, visa and even insurance by our own money..Yes definitely with our own money..Sounds like crazy..why after the selection and the announcement that said we passed the selection we still need to find the way to get money for joining this.. 3. Singkat cerita kami para homestayer melakukan brainstorming siang malam menyusun proposal untuk dikirimkan kepadab pihak pemerintahan, swasta, perusahaan makanan minuman, hingga perusahaan handphone pun kami ladeni agar mendapatkan dukungan apa pun untuk perjalanan kami nanti 4. In short , day by day We as Homestayer was doing brainstorming from day till night for making proposal that would be sent to government, private, food and beverage company, and we also sent to handphone company for hoping any kind of support for our homestay program 5. Waktu keberangkatan yang datang mengganti hari tidak dapat kami hindari dan hal itu memaksa kami untuk terus bergerak dan bergerak kembali. Sampai akhirnya kami pun berinisiatif melakukan hal-hal orang lain pikir mungkin kami ini seperti manusia tanpa malu. Dalam memenuhi kantong kami, saya dan para homestayer lainnya ada yang berjualan aqua keliling di Universitas, menjadi pengantar susu , menjual kue sus keliling kampus, menjadi guru bahasa inggris, menjual madu, menjual duren , jual bunga bahkan ada yang menjadi Go-jek. Iya bener profesi inilah yang kami tempuh dan kami dengan bangga ingin mengatakan kami tidak malu untuk melakukan hal tersebut. Yaa walau semua tidak langsung mulus lancar seperti sutra dan menghasilkan uang sederas air terjun, kami tetap yakin setiap nominal yang kami kumpulkan melalui keringat kami sendiri akan menjadi cerita manis yang tak ternilaikan 5. We cannot stop the day to keep forward and closer and due to that it forced us to keep move forward forward and forwand for doing what we can. Until we initiated to do something that perhaps people would think we are a people with totally not having embarrassment feeling.. To fulfil our pocket, me and also some of homestayer did sell aqua/ mineral bottle in University’s park, be a milk agent, selling kue sus at college, be a english teacher, honey seller, durian seller , flower seller and even one of homestayer become a Go-Jek. Those are profession that we took and got through and we proud to say we were not feeling embarrassing to do those. Even though all of our effort not smooth as a silk and get the money as swift as a water from waterfall, but we do believe and trus that every single money that we got through our sweat would be a sweet story that become priceless 6. Oke..Mungkin sekarang mulai terdengar aneh dan pertanyaan pun akan muncul seperti “Apa yang mendorong kami semua berani mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan hal tesebut ?” Kami akan menjawab “Inilah kami yang hanya bermodalkan mimpi dan melangkah dengan berani karena kami yakin masa depan cerah di negara pilihan kami sedang menanti” 6. Okeyy..Maybe this story is already totally weird and illogical or maybe due to this story there’s a question ask “What does make us to be brave and take this decision for doing that? And Our answer is “ Here We are, The Youth who has dream and courage as our modal to take a step because we do believe our bright future in our destination country will always waiting for us. 7. Saya pribadi memang masih berstatus mahasiswa semester awal yang memang tidak terlalu pintar dan tidak terlalu rajin. Namun melalui proses ini, saya merasa ada semangat begitu kuat dari teman-teman sesama homestayer yang kalau malam mingguan bukan pacaran atau nongkrong di mall tapi ngumpul diskusi hingga cari tempat makan gratis untuk mengurangi pengeluaran kami. Semangat ini telah membawa saya menjadi orang yang yakin dengan modal mimpi dan tangan kami bisa kok mendapatkan yang kami mau. 7. I’m still in the third semester in my college..To be honest I’m not the smartest or even a most dilligent student in my class. But through this process, I feel the spirit enormously from the homestayer around me who every Saturday instead having a date or chill out at mall they prefer to get together or even find the place where we can eat for free so we could save our money..Those spirit brought me to be a person who believe that from just a dream and hand we could achieve what we want. 8. Saya ingat sekali dengan keadaan saya yang masih berkuliah dan tidak dapat kerja karena ada beberapa penelitian yang perlu diselesaikan. Mulai bulan desember hingga maret saya telah mengikuti kurang lebih 6 kompetisi dengan harapan saya mendapatkan hasil yang bisa mendekatkan saya dengan program yang saya ambil ini. Iya 6 lomba terlihat banyak. Namun, tentu saja banyak gagalnya..Sakit ati saat kalah tentu pernah..Putus asa pengen nyoba lagi pun pernah..Namun kembali lagi karena semangat tiap malam minggu untuk berkumpul dan saling memotivasi satu sama lainlah yang membawa saya untuk tetap terus berkarya dan mencoba memberikan yang terbaik di setiap karya saya. Saya sebut ini “ The Power of Never Stop dan tertanggal 1 Maret 2016 perlahan demi perlahan karya saya pun membuahkan hasil. Yup saya menang lomba dalam suatu kompetisi artikel..Memang hadiahnya hanya sebuah handphone namun ini sangat berkesan dan mengingatkan saya untuk tetap terus berkarya.. Saya yang sekarang bersama homestayer Gerakan Mari Berbagi merasa melalui proses ini kami pun hanya dilatih untuk siap berorasi namun siap melakukan aksi 8. I definitely realize i’m still a student and could not do work because i need to finish several research before going to homestay. And from Desember until March i decided to join any competition that i could join and the total of competition that i have joined is almost 6 competition. In every competition i’m wondering i could get some money or even price that could take me closer with this homestay program. Perhaps the number of competition that i joined were much. But in fact i feel many failure..I felt desperate hopeless to try again.. But back to the spirit that i got from around me that takes me to keep make something and give the best what i can. I called this “ The Power of Never Stop” ..and on 1 March 2016 slowly but surely my effort showed me they present. I won in the writing article competition..Even its not an expensive handphone but its really memorable for me and remind me to keep sharing. I and Homestayer from Gerakan Mari Berbagi felt through this process we not only learnt about having a good speech but also ready take a step closer on it Why i stop this story on 8 paragraph because 8 means unlimited Then our story suppose to be unlimited too.. Salam Homestayer! Ivan Hartanto Alumni Youth Adventure & Youth Leaders Forum 2015
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